Master Planning

Helping our clients make informed decisions to meet their planning and programming goals is the driving force behind our Master Planning services. We do this through comprehensive planning and design supporting a range of services from site assessments to basic facility requirements to installation development planning.

We support our client’s needs by providing master planning services from site assessment and selection to regional planning efforts. Our projects have included designs for Department of State facilities, federal training complexes, airfield area development plans, and facility siting. We help our clients from the earliest stages of planning and design including unit and facility requirements throughout the documentation process to address the unique challenges and opportunities presented by each project. We listen, learn, and integrate needs and concerns into the solution.

master planning schematic site plan

Our expertise includes requirements analysis, planning/DD Form 1391 charrettes, cost estimating and valuation, surveying, concept sketches, and GIS and infrastructure analysis. Based on our client’s needs, our team may perform visioning exercises, economic analysis, facility assessments, estimate utility load requirements, or make recommendations on the potential impact to a utility’s infrastructure. We have numerous staff that are certified in both Master Planning and charrette management and we have a comprehensive list of disciplines to support our master planning efforts to help our clients meet their needs.

master planning map aerial view

Specific Expertise Includes:

  • Comprehensive Master Planning
  • Installation Development Plans (IDP) and Updates
  • Area Development Plans (ADP)
  • Vision Planning
  • Requirements Analysis (RA)
  • Planning Charrettes (PC)
  • Basic Facilities Requirements (BFR) Studies
  • DD Form 1391 Development and Validation
  • Project Development and Validation Plans (PDVP)
  • Cost Engineering
  • Economic Analysis

Project Types:

  • Master Plans
  • Area Development Plans
  • Access Control Points/Entry Control Facilities
  • U.S. Embassy Compounds
  • Administrative Facilities
  • Aviation Maintenance Facilities
  • Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facilities
  • Training Facilities and Complexes
  • Troop Housing