Mason & Hanger was commissioned to perform a study evaluating the long term plans for Jefferson Lab's high performance computing and CORE computing systems. The design team developed detailed recommendations for the successful implementation of energy conservation measures. This included an evaluation of aisle containment, water-side economizer (free-cooling), heat recovery, and several alternatives for UPS system upgrades. A life cycle cost analysis was performed to assess the viability of each measure. This in-depth assessment aided the client in making fiscally responsible decisions aimed at preventing unnecessary costs while meeting their energy efficiency target.
M&H then performed a detailed facility investigation to determine the current assets and operation of the client's existing 7,500 SF data center. Once existing conditions were surveyed, the design team applied data center best practices, in combination with both energy analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, to establish the recommended improvement measures for meeting the client's efficiency goal of 1.4 PUE. These measures ultimately included upgrades to HVAC equipment and controls and to the power distribution system, including high-efficiency UPS modules.